PDS Graphical Aid (PGA)
- Prepackaged, lightweight z/OS program offering a superior user interface for selecting members from multiple libraries.
- Navigate between members and libraries using the graphic cursor, without touching the keyboard.
- Optionally specify PDS name, member name or member prefix using the keyboard.
- Completely mainframe based - no PC programming involved.
- Tested using IBM Personal Communications.
- How to use PGA:
- Predefine a list of up to 177 libraries.
- Select a library by using the graphic cursor.
- Alternatively, enter library DSN.
- Up to 848 member names displayed per screen.
- Select a member using the graphic cursor.
- The member is displayed using ISPF.
- Options selectable by graphic cursor:
- Processing type (browse, view, edit)
- Page forward/backward in member list
- Select another library
- Alternatively, enter member name.
- Enter member prefix to display only member names starting with prefix or above.
PGA extensions
- Optional features, installed separately so that the base product retains its extreme simplicity.
- Invoke ISPF library utilities for the PDS being viewed (delete/rename members, compress, etc.).
- Invoke AMBLIST to display a map of the selected member (if it's a load module).
- Easily replace an extension with a call to any program or REXX EXEC that operates on a member or a PDS. This can provide a fresh front end to any software
that operates on members.